Friday, August 16, 2013

I lost my Focus

By now, you've probably noticed that I've changed the name of the blog. The title has been bothering me for a while. I started this blog in 2005 as a place where I could play creatively. Originally, I was going to take and post a photo each day, with minimal written description since the picture would be worth a thousand words. That didn't last long.

In the past eight years, this blog has undergone quite a number of changes as my interest have evolved and my life has changed. Instead of Staying Focused, I have created a gallimaufry of my interests, thoughts, ideas, pictures, and life in general. (A gallimaufry is a random collection, or hodge podge, of items.) The new title is a better representation of what I'm doing with this blog. In other words, I'm giving in and just accepting that my interests and discussions are far from focused.

I still think that my original idea for the blog was a good one. Luckily, thanks to modern technology, and my children's insistence that I would love an iphone, I now have the Instagram app. So I can summarize the day with a photo over there. You can follow me, if you would like; I'm agallimaufrygal.

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