Saturday, July 29, 2006

Careful. We don't want to learn from this. (Bill Watterson)

Picture three kids and two adults captive in an over-loaded van for twelve hours…

Actually, it wasn’t a bad trip. Mom did most of the driving, since I’m not feeling well. The kids were great. They watched their DVDs, listened to their music, and slept. I think I was the only bratty one the entire trip (but I really wanted ice cream and mom wouldn’t let me stop to get any!).

We made it almost to Atlanta, and decided to stop for the night. Mom and I are going to get some sleep and finish the drive tomorrow morning. The kids will probably watch TV and play with the computers all night, since they get to sleep in the van.

Just as an update: We did get to talk with Uncle Herb and Aunt Gail. Gramma was kept in the hospital, but they decided to make the trip to North Carolina without her. They should get to the campground about the same time as we do.

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