Wednesday, July 09, 2008

A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away. (Phyllis Mcginley)

This has been a really fun week, knitting-related. I had gone to Boca to meet up with a group of knitters last Thursday, and had a really wonderful time. They meet every other week, and I think I'll be going down that way as long as I can afford the gas. (It's difficult to wanderer at over $4 per gallon!) Saturday I met one of the girls from that group for lunch (after a "quick" stop at the local yarn store, naturally). And Monday was another knitting group; this time out west in Wellington.

Being with so many yarn-motivated people inspired me to really work on my projects. I actually cast on and completed a new project - a baby hat for a charity group. I actually did the entire hat while watching a DVD one afternoon. Quick, and really adorable. I forgot to take a picture for today's post, so I'll have to show it off some other time.

I finished the Something Shady socks. Well, I finished the foot portion. I'll be dyeing these with Koolaid on Friday, and then doing an afterthought heel. I really like them in the white, so I'll have to get more of this Lois Gems yarn to do another lacy pair.

I finished the first clue of the July Mystery Socks from Sock Knitters Annonymous, and started on clue number two. I absolutely love this yarn (Jojoland's Melody). It feels soft and smooth, and the colors are incredible (even if the two skeins are patterned differently). Unfortunately, the pattern isn't showing up very well with the variated color. So I think I'm going to frog this, save the yarn for something else (probably Monkey socks), and re-knit it using the Knitpicks Gloss that I have in my stash. A new clue comes out on Monday, so if I work on these all weekend I should have time to get caught up.

My final project this week has been spinning. I think I have it figured out, so I've started on the blue & white roving (instead of the ugly practice stuff). It's amazing how quick it goes (compared to spinning it on a drop spindle). I still need to work on getting more control over the drafting (this is probably going to be a thick-to-thin skein of fingering/DK weight). And I don't quite "get" the clip-thing yet; I know you're supposed to use it to fill the bobbin evenly, but I keep forgetting to stop and move it. But spinning is wonderful, and I love my wheel! (If I could fit it in my purse, I'd probably carry it with me along with my knitting.)

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