Saturday, December 30, 2006

He may be mad, but there's method in his madness. There nearly always is method in madness. It's what drives men mad, being methodical.

I'm totally obsessed by boxes. I want crave boxes. All I can think about is how many boxes I still need to get, how many boxes I still need to fill, how many boxes I need to carry to the new house, and how many boxes I'm going to have to upack in less than a week!

I stopped at Walmart to see if I could get some more boxes, and I nearly cried as I saw this truck loaded with cardboard for recycling getting ready to pull out. Didn't they know I needed that cardboard?!

My daughter has been absolutely wonderful in getting things packed up. She is SO much her grandmother's child! I'm fussing all the time, hyperventilating over how much stuff still needs to be packed. I make list after list, planning out carefully how I'm going to get it all done (which explains today's quote from G. K. Chesterton). Becky just packs up a box, and moves along to the next one. When I start fussing and complaining, she just hands me a box and tells me to fill it while I'm talking. When I need a break, she gets me a soda and tells me to relax for 5 minutes, and goes back to pack up "just one more box."

The things I still need to do for Wednesday, Jan. 3rd: (just 4 more days!)

  • Get more boxes (this is going to be an on-going task!)

  • Finish packing PJ's bedroom: closet, desk, computer, bookcase, knick-knacks & wall

  • Pack the kids' bathroom: linen closet, cabinet, drawers

  • Pack my bathroom: large linen closet, linen closet, both cabinets, drawers (almost done!), candles

  • Pack the girls' bedroom

  • Pack the living room / dining room : books , knick-knacks, wall, Christmas decorations

  • Pack the "attic" : closet, drawers

  • Pack my bedroom: closet, drawers, files ( almost done!), Creative Memories, computer, everything else

  • Pack the kitchen: dishes, cups, pots & pans, china cabinet, drawers, pantry

  • Arrange for the movers to come (waiting on the last quote)

  • Change the utilities to the new house (The house does exist, and we will have electric!)

  • Change of address with the post office

  • Change of address with the schools (and find out where PJ's new bus stop will be)

  • Clean the old condo, and return keys

  • Unpack everything into the new townhouse

  • Print out Becky's party "clues" and get party supplies ( her birthday party is four days after we move into the new house...)

  • Write Christmas thank you notes (because these really have to be done SOON)

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