Monday, August 28, 2006

In fair Weather prepare for foul. (Thomas Fuller)

Hurricane Ernesto is on it's way to South Florida. They're predicting that it will make landfall sometime tomorrow, and it should be in our area by late Tuesday.

I'm not really worried about this storm, although I'm starting to think that I should be. I had to stop for gas on the way to Boca this afternoon, and I ended up waiting in line for 75 minutes! It took so long, that I never did get to go to Boca. Everyone is filling up their tanks, and getting gas for their generators. There are reports of stations running out of gas already. People are crowding grocery stores and the Home Depot, trying to get supplies for the storm.

I only stopped for gas because I really did need it. (I had less than a 1/4 tank, which would not have gotten me to Boca and back.) Otherwise, the only storm supplies I've gotten specifically for Ernesto is a bag of M&M's and a 2-litre of soda*.

*We stocked up on all of the regular storm supplies (water, batteries, etc) earlier in the season.

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