Sunday, March 14, 2010

Only by seeking challenges can we hope to find the best in ourselves. (Robert Rodriguez)

Last year I joined Weight Watchers, and I did really well. I stuck with the plan, even through the holidays, and by counting up the points of everything I ate I managed to lose a little over 70 pounds. It was wonderful, and I felt great.

But little by little I've lost my motivation. And although I know that Weight Watchers works wonderfully, I don't have any desire to count points or plan special meals. Most days lately, it's all I can do to put together a meal that isn't from a drive-thru lane. My jeans have become extremely tight as a result, and not in a "looking-good" way.

So when I was offered a Ten-Day Challenge yesterday, I decided to go for it. It's a simple program, which is what I need right now. No counting calories, no planned meals; just three very easy to follow changes that fit in nicely with my current lifestyle.

Day 1:

This is my "Before" picture, taken this afternoon. I debated about sharing this, since I really don't like the way I look. But I want an honest way of seeing whether the Challenge has any real effect. For that reason, I've also taken my measurements. I won't share the actual numbers, but I will let you know if there is any change.

  • Weight
  • Waist
  • Hips
  • Thigh
The first step is the most obvious. Eat a balanced, sensible diet. For me, that means adding breakfast (and two chocolate frosteds from Dunkin Donuts doesn't count). It also means severely limiting the amount of chocolate I snack on throughout the day. Hershey Kisses should not be taking the place of lunch. I am not going to count points, or calories, or whatever. But I will stop and think my choices through, selecting the lower-fat, higher-nutrition option whenever possible.

I'll let you know how well I'm doing on Day 5.


Sungopolis said...

Yay, Sandi. Your good health is the greatest gift you can give your friends and family.

Last night I watched a show on PBS called "Change Your Brain, Change Your Body." (It comes in book form too) It was very interesting to see how cognitive behavior therapy can be applied to food and weight management. I thought he had some great tips and insights. Maybe it might help you with your weight longterm. I'm going to apply some of his ideas about controlling cravings. Lately, I've been obsessed with madelaine cookies (and not in a good way).

Anonymous said...

Lets cross the bridge when we come to it........................................