Sunday, June 11, 2006

Start every day off with a smile and get it over with. (W. C. Fields)

Submitted to Inspiration Challenge -- SMILE

This is a very rare photo of my niece smiling. Don't get me wrong -- my niece is a wonderful, loving girl. She just prefers to limit herself to dignified grins rather than outright smiles.

But we were waiting on line for autographs at the Chris Rice concert, and I had my digital camera out snapping pictures of my daughter and niece. The girls weren't happy with my taking their picture, and were not cooperating. I pointed out that my memory card could hold over 350 pictures, and if that wasn't enough I could erase them and start over. In other words, I planned to keep taking pictures all night unless they gave in and let me have a nice one. My niece thought it over, and decided it was the better part of valor to just let me have my way. Her grandmother has already asked me for an 8x10 copy...
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