Saturday, February 11, 2006

I can't complain, but sometimes I still do. (Joe Walsh)

I thought I'd share a couple more pictures took on our photo safari Wednesday. While waiting for dinner, we took turns shooting pictures of the same items, seeing what we could come up with. My photo is on the left, Becky's version is on the right.

I'm really tired of being sick. The first couple of days it was just inconvenient. Then I was just too tired to really care. Now I've had enough of the coughing and stuffed sinuses and I'm ready to feel better. I have things that need to be done, and not enough energy to do them. This whiney stage is the worst part of being ill, for me and everyone around me!


Tint~ said...

Sandi, I see you use postcrossing (postcard exchange). Are you interested in postcards from Brazil? Do drop me a line if you are. My daughter is a near-fanatical collecter :)

Sandi said...

I'd love to exchange postcards with you. I started doing postcrossing because I wanted something besides bills in the mail.

Tint~ said...

Will do.... we must get in touch by mail then. My e-mail addy is