It took forever, but I finally finished taping and editing the podcast. I did better on taping this time around. I only started and stopped six times. The editing, however, was ridiculously long. But I think I did a pretty good job with it.
Regardless, it has been posted. You can listen to it on libsyn. You can also download it from itunes, starting tomorrow. The show notes are at
And not that I want to brag or anything, but guess what! I got my first review on itunes. maeviolet said "Your first episode is great" and she gave me five stars. She went on to write more nice stuff about me. I don't know who maeviolet is, but I think she's going to be my new best friend!
I've been trying to come up with a cute logo for the podcast. Once I have one, I plan on making buttons. And maeviolet is going to get the very first one. Because that's what best friends do.
Now I just need to decide what the topic will be for episode 3.
Epsiode 3, Knitting Addictions
things that make you cast on something new, even with 4(0) other wips.
Yarn you have a love/hate relationship with (i love it, but my wallet hates it)
favorite needles you can't NOT buy?
=D loves you sandi, and i linked your podcast from my blog
Thanks, Paula. Loves you, too. And I'm going to get you on tape for some of those topics!
I enjoyed episode 3 and the information about the Special Olympics scarf. I'm looking forward to episode 4! Hint, hint, hint!!
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