This evening I had a little time between getting off work and needing to pick up daughter from her job. So I called up my friend, as I usually do, and we met at the coffee shop to knit. As we usually do. Something, a tiny tickling thought, passed through my mind when my friend mentioned that she had been planning on meeting "for our usual knitting." It wasn't Knit Night; today was a spur-of-the-moment knit. Just because we've gotten together to knit five times this past week doesn't mean anything.
No, it was when we were deciding where to meet that I knew for sure there was a problem. We didn't want to go to this coffee shop because our favorite barista wasn't working tonight, and we went to that shop twice this week already, and if we go to the other coffee place there wouldn't be any comfy seats this time of day... it was clear that we're spending way too much time in coffee shops.
So we've decided to branch out, and try something new. We want to get out, socialize away from the local coffee shops. So we're planning a ladies night out. It's going to be movies and desserts. We're inviting everyone we know. We even plan on inviting a non-knitting friend (if we can make one by then).
Oh, but since the theater might be too dark for knitting, we'll meet at the private movie theater at my clubhouse. Everyone can bring potluck desserts, and we'll knit through the show.
It's baby steps, but I'm trying.
1 comment:
oo sounds fun! let me know =D
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