Happy 2009! The year has just started, and it already looks to be an interesting one. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that "interesting" means good things, rather than being a polite way of saying "lots of stuff that you can only pray you live through."
We made it through the holidays, even if I didn't manage to post about any of it. And even though that makes it sound bad, it was really a great few weeks. It was just really, really busy.
One of the things I've been busy with is knitting (of course), and spinning. I'm going to wait until next week to start the WIP Wednesdays again, so you'll have to wait for pictures of my projects. I'm going to try to be good this year, and limit what I'm working on. It's not a New Year's Resolution; this is just me trying to get a handle on things. I realized I had so many things I was trying to do that I ended up not getting anything done. So my knitting is going to be limited to: (1) a small project such as a sock or gloves, something easily carried around; (2) a large project, such as a sweater or lace or fancy colorwork; (3) a long-term project, which would be my Sampler Sock Blanket at the moment; (4) charity baby hat or weekly washcloth; and (5) current spinning project. I may add a 6th project -- something I can sell, such as a plarn market bag -- but I'm not sure about that yet.
I'm also hoping to get my house under control this year. I want to clear out all the clutter and come up with a workable cleaning schedule. I feel so much better when things around me are neat and orderly, and right now the house is total chaos. We have so much going on that the kids and I tend to just ignore the vacuuming and mopping. I'd like to get a system so that we can still have our busy schedule as well as keeping up with the dust bunnies. (Dust bunnies would be so much easier to accept if they could be spun into yarn!)
Other items on my "Project - Me" list include scheduling regular FLAC monitorings; sticking to my budget (which means no wild splurges on fiber); regular exercise as a preliminary step to running the marathon in three years; and learning to project an aura of calm when my son is driving me to work. Okay, that last item is probably just wishful thinking. Basically, I just want to get organized so that I can do the things I want to do.
I'm not sure how I got onto this self-improvement topic. I really meant to post about how excited I was that my oldest girl is coming home for a visit tomorrow. I figured that was a wonderful reason to start writing again. Oh well, I'm sure I'll be telling you all about it...
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