As a parent, and especially as a single parent, a lot of my identity is tied into my children. When one of them doesn't do well, I feel like I've failed. And my son is very good at making me feel like a failure.
Tonight we attended the enrollment meeting for Exit Option at his school. Basically, my son is failing out of high school and this is a last ditch, hail Mary pass at getting him the high school diploma. The program offers an actual high school diploma, but the students take only three classes (English, Math, and Critical Thinking) plus OJT (which means they have to be employed 13 hours a week). They also have to pass the GED exam.
I've rearranged my work schedule, bought a car I really can't afford, and otherwise done everything I can to help make this work. Only to have him comment, as we're leaving the meeting, "If I'm going to have to pass the GED test anyway, why do I have to bother taking any classes? Can't I just get the GED and be done?"
I don't know how to get through to him. I always thought my kids would go to college. It never even crossed my mind that they may not make it through high school. Or that they wouldn't even care.
Hey Sandi! It's Ronnie from NJ! I've been wanting to contact you for some time just to chat, but always feel like I would be butting into your life. It's weird--reading your blog and knowing what's going on with you, but you having no connection with me. So, I think it's time to reconnect! You sound like you could use a shoulder to cry on and raising 2 teenagers of my own, I can understand what you are going through! I feel funny putting my email up here, but let me know how I can contact you and we'll talk! (Yes, I still have computer phobia fears--makes up for the lack of fear my kids have about posting on the internet! LOL!)
I'm so glad to hear from you. I had tried to email you a bit ago, but the email bounced back to me as a non-existent account. (Did you change providers?)
Anyway, please do email me. It's my first two initials (SL) followed by my last name, at I think about you often, and would love to chat.
I just wanted to add an update to this situation, but didn't feel that it warranted a new post.
As part of the Exit Option program, the kids had to take a pre-test today to determine how well they would do on the GED, as well as any areas of weakness. This will help the teachers gear the classes so the the kids can be successful in the program.
My son got a perfect score on the GED practice test. It's obvious that he is more than capable of doing the work, he just chooses not to.
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