Since Becci spent all last weekend at BFF's house, BFF is spending this weekend at ours. I would have thought they could use a break from each other, but obviously not. They can't even be in separate rooms without texting each other. Right now, they're in the bathroom, dyeing each other's hair. I decided, having been given the choice, that dyeing hair was a better sleepover activity than piercing noses.
I considered hiding in my room. That way I could plead ignorance in case BFF's mom doesn't appreciate the blue streak. But I'm enjoying watching the process too much. After years of complaining about me, Becci has her camera out and insists on taking pictures each step of the way. Poor BFF is trying to rinse out the dye per the instructions, and is being told "Wait, I need one more picture!" (Naturally, they both ducked behind the door when I pulled out MY camera...brats!)
I'm still hoping to talk them into baking cupcakes later on. I had the most wonderful chocolate cupcake while I was in New York, only I never got to finish it. I've been upset all week that I didn't eat it before we left Monday morning. (On the plus side, I've been on Weight Watchers for 12 weeks now, and I haven't gone over my daily/weekly points yet!)
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