The bad news is that my son is a boy without a school. It's a bit of a complicated story, but he is no longer eligible to attend his original high school. He needs to take some summer courses, so they very kindly (hear the sarcasm?) rushed his removal from their system so that I could register him at the new school for his senior year. The trouble is that the new school will not accept new enrollees until August. Which means that there is nobody to approve the summer courses. The only bright spot to this situation is that I was given a hint on how to possibly circumvent this problem, so it may still work out.
The bright spot to the orthodontist was easier. No, it wasn't that it was my daughter seeing them and not me -- my dentist phobia is so bad that just saying the word, much less having to sit in the waiting room is enough to make me physically sick. The bright spot is that the yarn store is just down the block from the orthodontist, so I was able to reward my bravery with some sock yarn. (My daughter was also rewarded, with a stop for ice cream on the way home -- and she was smart enough not to mention that this was really just an excuse for another reward for mom.)
The evening was much, much better. My kids decided that it would be nice if we all played a board game together. It's been a while since we've done that, and it was really nice that they wanted to spend an evening together. I really think that having my cousin come stay with us has been a really good thing for my family. (And in case you were wondering, I won the game...)
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