I couldn't resist showing off my latest projects. The bag is a Booga Bag, and I think it's adorable. This bag is still a little smaller than what I need (it holds everything except my knitting), but I like it. It's a simple design, but the colors in the Noro Kureyon yarn are incredible. I have a feeling that it's going to become one of my favorite bags.
I had an extra skein of the Noro, so I made myself a felted Purse organizer. It's entirely my pattern, and I'm really proud of myself. I think it would be better if it were a little larger, but I used every bit of the skein in making this one. Next time I'll buy two skeins and double the number of rows.
5/28/08 - I've edited this post to eliminate the word "Pal" from my description of the purse organizer I knit. I had a very sweet and generous comment (which you can read below) explaining that I had accidentally used a copyrighted term. What can I say, other than I'm sorry -- it was just that it sounded like a really great name. But as it turns out, it's already being used for a really great product. Be sure to go over to Willa's site and take a look at them. (Best of all, she's local to me.) And Willa, thank you for being so nice about this.